Tuesday, July 30, 2013

These Days: 07/30/2013

        I am writing a screenplay (attempting). It's supposed to be like a feminist apocalyptic/ coming of age story/horror. But I think I'm going to write another one that's a feminist horror movie... it won't suck. I am also writing a sci-fi novel. I am writing lyrics all the time. I can't seem to choose what I want to do. I want to do everything. run a radio station, act in a horror film, make a horror film, write a book, make music, make a coming of age story, act in a coming of age story, be a photographer, photograph fashion, be a fashion designer, be a person that puts together looks, be a lead singer in a band.

Also.. I've been loving the show True Blood since forever, and Orphan Black recently. Also... within a day I have acquired a new celebrity crush. Here he is: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0573354/?ref_=tt_cl_t1

I knew him as former Fellowship of the Sun leader/ gay vampire Steve Newlin, but then.. THEN. I looked him up on IMDB. I watched Beauty & the Briefcase, and he was adorkable (adorable & a dork). I couldn't stand it. He was so funny, and cute, and romance movies spoil my brain. He was cute. But, what made me like LOVE him even more was when I started looking through all the movies he's acted in, and a good amount of them were horror movies. Then I watched him.. and his adorable face, and etc. Man, this is a bad crush. But, anyway. yeah. Now I can't stop watching The Hills Have Eyes 2 (the newer one). I'll probably end up reviewing it.

Anyway, I have stuffs coming up. Hopefully the giveaway/review will be happening soon. I can't wait to get what I got in the mail. Yes, it's sponsored, but who am I to oppose free things. I'm going to college soon. Anyway, I've always wanted to do it anyway. If I really like something, what's wrong with some advertising for it?

I'm gonna write more of that screenplay and watch the Hills Have Eyes 2 again.

Okay, gotta jet.

Musical Genius: Paramore

   For many years I was unaware of Paramore, and I'm rather sad to say that in the commotion over the Twilight Saga was the reason how I found out about them. I don't know where, but I saw the video for "Decode" and I fell in love and have loved them ever since.

Decode by Paramore. Found on YouTube.
    Now that brief Twilight obsession I had compelled me to buy the DVD and the soundtrack, which I'm glad I bought because the soundtrack had another amazing song, titled "I Caught Myself". Now what do I do? I look them up and look at what other CDs they had. I bought Riot!. And then later they came out with Brand New Eyes and yeah. I loved them. And then the sad "breakup" happened.

Misery Business by Paramore. Found on YouTube.
A fan favorite. and one I've sang on Guitar Hero: World Tour many times. 
crushcrushcrush by Paramore. Found on YouTube.

That's what you get by Paramore. Found on YouTube.
The anthem of the heartbroken fans.
   I was always hoping for more and more music from them, but for a while I listened too the 2 that I owned and listened to them on YouTube and heard some covers they have done. Then, the day I heard "Monster" I was happy. It was similar to the vibe Brand New Eyes brought. And I liked it.

Careful by Paramore. Found on YouTube.
Ignorance by Paramore. Found on YouTube.
   Years went by. And then, just this year they came out with the single "Now". I was thrilled that there was going to be a new album. They sounded WAY different. I loved it. Not a lot of the other fans did. Anyway, I looked at their website and looked at every update. I was excited to hear that there was going to be more songs than ever on this one! It came out. I LOVED it.

Now by Paramore. Found on YouTube.

Still Into You by Paramore. Found on YouTube.

   Looking back at their work they have gradually changed, I can see that.. I believe it was a beautiful transition. Personally, I think they seem so much more personal now than ever before.

   Paramore is a great band. I love them. And if I didn't I'd respect them. I respect any band that withstands a breakup or losing members.

New Segments I will be starting..

There are going to be a few segments that I will be starting soon here are the names:
  • Movie Muse: a segment in which I will be talking about a movie. I will critique and analyze the movie as well as give a rating on it.
  • Damn Diva: in which I will provide a character, celebrity look, etc, and kind of provide a sort of inspiration, and put together a few looks inspired by them..
  • OOTD: I might do this i'm not sure.. more of when I go to college probably, but yeah outfit of the days.
  • Horror&Gore: kind of similar to the Movie Muse except for they will specifically be horror movies.
  • These Days: In which it will kind of be a diary of the day/ rants
  • Musical genius: in which I talk about music, it can be music in a movie, a specific artist, or a specific album.
  • Babe's Books: I highlight a good book.
  • Book or Movie: Compare book to movie.
  • Remake and Reboot: Talk about remakes/reboots of movies
  • Oh! Food.: where I talk about food.
  • Feminist World: talk about feminism
  • And I will probably do some things to show where I travel/ share my art photos etc. I'll come up with more and talk about it as I go along...
(I got lazy with the descriptions..)
Feel free to give me any suggestions.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Okay... An update.

This blog.. needs to go into a different direction. I'm a lot different than I was when I started this blog. I'm 18. I have dyed my hair pink before. I've worked hard. And I'm going to college in the fall.

Yes, college. The place where everyone is told to go to. "Keep your grades up." "This will look good on a college application." From day one our parents are thinking about this. They open up an account to save for college, or not. They put the paying for it on your shoulders. Or maybe you don't have people telling you to go. Maybe you want to go to college for yourself to make a better life... so you can forget all of the crap that has always followed you around, to show all of those people who say you can't, that you can.

This is a big step in my life. I've been waiting for this for years, basically forever. I'm asking you followers (the ones I'm not sure I have) what you would like to see from here on out. I love hearing from others on the internet. I want your opinions, your insight. I'll take it all into consideration when I continue on with this blog. I'm probably gonna put up some movie reviews, rants, music, and fashion.. and some things I've been posting on my polyvore. Which is here: http://roxycombat.polyvore.com/   And my tumblr is here: http://neversaypuck.tumblr.com/

Okay. I've gotta jet.


I haven't written on here in a while... but I think maybe I need to pick it back up. So i'm going to start writing more. I don't have many followers.. or any that I know of at the moment...but I have a few things coming up.. a giveaway.. maybe... so keep looking..