Sunday, October 2, 2011

oh Look At That!

oooooooopsss. I haven't posted anything yet, no matter. I'm posting right now. Well here's a few thigs to talk about. I'm hoping to get a haircut soon, away from the joan jett look i did last year, i'm hoping for a bob or a pixie, both cute looks. I just have to make sure it won't piss off my dad, for some reason short hair on a chick is a no-no. What happened to women being treated equally? I mean haven't we all seen men start having longer hair. My dad even had longer hair for quite a long time. So if he can have long hair, why can't I have short hair? Just something to think about. It's only one of the several hypocritical things he's said before. Another thing coming up, Wednesday I have a meeting for "National Art Honor Society". I love being and artsy person. And on Friday, I get to fulfill one of my dream destinations on my list of things to do before I die. I'm going to New York City!!!! Wish me luck!