Saturday, August 3, 2013

Movie Muse: Now and Then (1995)

Now and Then Trailer. Found on YouTube.
WARNING: There may be spoilers!
     I have watched this movie many many times. It's amazing. It makes you want to gather up three of your friends and go on an adventure for the summer. I would consider this a rather feminist film, though it lacks any WoC (women of color for those of you not up on feminist lingo), it showcases women as 3-Dimensional people, as apposed to characters without a personality.
     This movie makes us all think about our lives (despite our ages). It makes those who are young think about our futures, and those who are older think about their past. It makes us younger women think about how we are going to be looking back on what is happening in our lives right now.
     The movie starts off by showing us four women meeting up in their old hometown in a house they  all know well. While in the present situation the story goes back to a summer in the 1970's. So, even if you aren't there for the storyline, you can be there for the 70's fashion, and house décor. If you like the fashion aspect, I'll probably put up a fashion article about it, maybe do one for each character. (comment and let me know?)
     The characters are Samantha (the narrator, although some scenes don't have her), Roberta, Teeny, and Chrissy. They are all very different in the way their lives are and they're personalities, so there are a lot of stories that people may identify with. Also, if you can watch an extended version, I urge you to because there's some pretty wicked things that add to the plot in various deleted scenes etc...

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