Monday, July 29, 2013

Okay... An update.

This blog.. needs to go into a different direction. I'm a lot different than I was when I started this blog. I'm 18. I have dyed my hair pink before. I've worked hard. And I'm going to college in the fall.

Yes, college. The place where everyone is told to go to. "Keep your grades up." "This will look good on a college application." From day one our parents are thinking about this. They open up an account to save for college, or not. They put the paying for it on your shoulders. Or maybe you don't have people telling you to go. Maybe you want to go to college for yourself to make a better life... so you can forget all of the crap that has always followed you around, to show all of those people who say you can't, that you can.

This is a big step in my life. I've been waiting for this for years, basically forever. I'm asking you followers (the ones I'm not sure I have) what you would like to see from here on out. I love hearing from others on the internet. I want your opinions, your insight. I'll take it all into consideration when I continue on with this blog. I'm probably gonna put up some movie reviews, rants, music, and fashion.. and some things I've been posting on my polyvore. Which is here:   And my tumblr is here:

Okay. I've gotta jet.

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