Tuesday, July 30, 2013

These Days: 07/30/2013

        I am writing a screenplay (attempting). It's supposed to be like a feminist apocalyptic/ coming of age story/horror. But I think I'm going to write another one that's a feminist horror movie... it won't suck. I am also writing a sci-fi novel. I am writing lyrics all the time. I can't seem to choose what I want to do. I want to do everything. run a radio station, act in a horror film, make a horror film, write a book, make music, make a coming of age story, act in a coming of age story, be a photographer, photograph fashion, be a fashion designer, be a person that puts together looks, be a lead singer in a band.

Also.. I've been loving the show True Blood since forever, and Orphan Black recently. Also... within a day I have acquired a new celebrity crush. Here he is: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0573354/?ref_=tt_cl_t1

I knew him as former Fellowship of the Sun leader/ gay vampire Steve Newlin, but then.. THEN. I looked him up on IMDB. I watched Beauty & the Briefcase, and he was adorkable (adorable & a dork). I couldn't stand it. He was so funny, and cute, and romance movies spoil my brain. He was cute. But, what made me like LOVE him even more was when I started looking through all the movies he's acted in, and a good amount of them were horror movies. Then I watched him.. and his adorable face, and etc. Man, this is a bad crush. But, anyway. yeah. Now I can't stop watching The Hills Have Eyes 2 (the newer one). I'll probably end up reviewing it.

Anyway, I have stuffs coming up. Hopefully the giveaway/review will be happening soon. I can't wait to get what I got in the mail. Yes, it's sponsored, but who am I to oppose free things. I'm going to college soon. Anyway, I've always wanted to do it anyway. If I really like something, what's wrong with some advertising for it?

I'm gonna write more of that screenplay and watch the Hills Have Eyes 2 again.

Okay, gotta jet.

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