Friday, August 2, 2013

Musical Genius: Midnight City by M83

Midnight City by M83. Found on YouTube.
     I've heard this song before I actually recognized it's genius. Probably unknowingly on the radio. But, after finally watching Warm Bodies for the first time, and hearing the song play while seeing water flow over Nicholas Hoult's zombie body... I loved it. I honestly don't know the lyrics, but at this point I really don't care, because this song injects a relaxing feeling into my body everytime I hear it. It's one of those songs that makes you feel infinite (catch the reference) when you listen to it on a dark night, when the rain is falling, or in a good car ride. It gives you that feeling of being in those situations, where we all just take a fresh breath of air and enjoy the moment. So, if you haven't yet, click the play button on the video, listen to it, and try at least once with your eyes closed. 

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