Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Countdown To College: Day 1

2:35 PM
Okay. Day 1. I didn't get hardly any sleep last night. But, me and my friend got Dunkin' Donuts this morning, and I finished my summer reading *claps*. FINALLY! and now I can enjoy my last big dinner with my family later. But, right now I'm still waiting to be picked up by my mother. I miss herrrrr... still. Tomorrow's the big day. I MIGHT do a post, but there will be a lot going on so, I don't know how long it'll be if I do have one. I still have to choose my clothes, my shoes, gather the rest of my décor-type stuff (print stuff included), and something else... oh yeah, my sunglasses. (I have a lot of pairs.)

8:22 PM
Man, what an eventful few hours. I got picked up around 5 PM, and when I got home my mom was just arriving home from work.. (YEAH!) so then I got some water settled down a bit then my momma and I went to get an Ethernet cord and my food, which consisted of dried fruit, cereal, soup, spaghetti o's, granola bars, popcorn, etc.. Then, after we got back I packed a box full of my food, then I had to change so we could go out to have our "last supper" at Golden Corral. Which had a chocolate fountain and cotton candy and gummy bears and like the weird mushy volcano brownie stuff that I love. And of course b/c of something, I've been getting nauseous no matter what I eat, so dad got us all gumballs from the gumball machine which I'm chewing now and that makes me less nauseous. So, when we got home I got together the last things I need to have washed to bring. But, I'm letting my stomach settle. I will update later.

10:50 PM
Okay. I picked out the shoes and clothes imma bring, and the hats. I printed out the pictures for my wall loveliness.. and cleared off my corkboard. I finished off my last gummy bear and am soon going to sleep and get up at 7 in the morning to shower and pack the car.. several trips will be needed.. i'm assuming I will be staying at the dorm setting the stuff that has been brought up while they make multiple trips to get the stuff, seeing as we don't live too far away...

But anyway. I gotta jet. Goodnight.

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