Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Countdown to College: Day 2

7:47 PM
Okay, day two turned out to be kind of hectic. Tomorrow will be even more hectic. But that's okay, I guess... First of all, I barely had any time to read or pack before being whisked away to never never land where I'm a kid forever. But I managed to pack the rest of my NON clothes, shoes, and sunglasses before leaving, so that's good. I read a bit of the book over here before I left with my bestie and her little brother to go to my old high school. I saw some of my teachers, it was definitely interesting and I definitely miss them a lot, but I have a lot to look forward to. I'll update more later.

9:56 PM
I read a bit and then fell asleep. Then I woke up and I was already missing my mom, and I started crying. I'm over my friends house and miss my mommy and I don't care what anyone says. But I thought it over and decided I'm gonna be able to handle it in college. I mean I live pretty close. But it sucks feeling it. Now me and my bestie are gonna have like mint chocolate chip milkshakes.. kind of. But. yeah. I might type more later.

10:51 PM
Okay.. last update I'm gonna chill for a bit am maybe fall asleep again idk. Maybe even read my book more. Tomorrow's the last day, so it might not be very long cause I will be pretty busy.

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